If you haven’t submitted a police report please do immediately so your case can be added to the consolidated case against Dalton from the Attorney General’s Office!

Dalton West Slangerup is currently on a rampage decimating local businesses and families in Utah. This site was created to warn future victims or for current victims to take quick action by filling a police report as you’ll likely never see your money again. Of known victims, Dalton owes over $200,000. His M.O. is to “purchase” items with checks he knows will bounce or with ACHs that will return and turn around and sell those items immediately to others to pay off other debts. Items he’s stolen include: trucks, snowmobiles, trailers, dirt bikes, Surrons, Talarias, Erides, ebikes and much more. He is also known for scams regarding solar, trip planning, toy sharing, and more. His strategy is similar to a Ponzi Scheme.

He has every excuse in the book for why he can’t pay you. He’s out of town, it’s the bank’s fault, family emergency, he’s in the hospital, his “business” messed up payroll, etc.. He’ll make false promises and send you infinite screenshots about how your money is just around the corner and he has the money. Do not buy any of it! He will take advantage of you and will mess up your life. He’s even began to threaten his family.

If you or someone you know has been affected or a victim of Dalton, please complete the form below to get connected. We are working with the police to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. If you have already submitted a police report, please provide a case # or ID and the Police Department below. If you haven’t made a police report, please do so immediately with the Police Department that has jurisdiction where the crime took place. A case is being built against Dalton by the State and reports are needed to be added to the case.